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Humanities: Civics and Citizenship

A Lib Guide for Year 7 History

Uluru statement from the heart

Creating references

Referencing or citing your sources is an important part of academic writing and research. It lets you acknowledge the ideas or words of others and helps avoid plagiarism.

Click on the Online reference generator image above to create reference citations for your bibliography.


One effective strategy for improving retention is note taking – not just because you’ll have a written record to refer to in the future, but also because the actual act of taking notes can help cement concepts in your mind. There is no single way of taking notes.  Browse these resources to find what suits you.

Tips on how to organise the information you've read into a useful set of notes State Library of Victoria - Ergo

Once you've read this, watch the Cornell Method video. This is an excellent strategy.

Note-taking (University of Melbourne)

Fake News

Read the above infographic to check if a news article is fake or not. Click on the image for more comprehensive information about the many ways an article or website might present false or misleading information.


Australian values

Australian democracy

Justice in Australia

An explanation of the Uluru statement from the heart and the campaign for justice for indigenous representation in the  Australian constitution.

Books in the library

Choosing an issue

Username: clonardcollege; Password: issues

Use Echo to locate a range of media covering contemporary issues.

NewsBank’s Special Reports are news articles, images, maps and other useful content grouped for convenience under specific topics and themes. They enable users to quickly locate information while helping them gain better insight into current global issues and events. Tends to focus on the U.S.A.

Access  to NewsBank:


Username: Clonard; Password: clonard

Planning a campaign for change

History of campaigns