This guide supports your research into how different groups in Australia express their identities, including religious and cultural identity, and how this expression can influence their perceptions of others and others’ perception of them.
It shows you how to take notes, use a variety of reliable resources to locate relevant information as well as how to create a Reference List of all the resources you've used.
If you need further help with research, there is a step by step guide here.
Here are the documents related to this task:
One effective strategy for improving retention is note taking – not just because you’ll have a written record to refer to in the future, but also because the actual act of taking notes can help cement concepts in your mind. There is no single way of taking notes. Browse these resources to find what suits you.
Tips on how to organise the information you've read into a useful set of notes State Library of Victoria - Ergo
Once you've read this, watch the Cornell Method video. This is an excellent strategy.
Note-taking (University of Melbourne)
A Resource Box of print resources has been created. These can be used in class or individual books can be borrowed for overnight loan. Ask library staff.
Use the Library Catalogue to find books (print, eBooks, audiobooks) and other useful resources.
Logging in
You will automatically be logged in to your Oliver account.
Use these subject to search the library's catalogue (Oliver):
Australia - Immigration and emigration
Australia - Immigration and emigration - biography
Australia - Immigration and emigration - history
Australia - Immigration and emigration - policy
Australia - Social conditions - 20th century
Cultural diversity
You might like to read some 'multicultural' stories.
Would you like to suggestions other books to add to this list? Send suggestions to:
Cultural Diversity Week – March
Held in March each year, brings Victorians together to recognise the benefits of diversity and to showcase the many cultures that have shaped our Victorian identity.
Harmony Day - 21 March
Held on 21 March each year and celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. Coincides with Cultural Diversity Week.
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination - 21 March
Held on 21 March each year. It coincides with Cultural Diversity Week.
Refugee Week – June
Held in June each year. The week raises awareness about the issues affecting refugee communities and celebrates the positive contributions made by people from refugee backgrounds to Australian society.
World Refugee Day - 20 June
Held on 20 June each year and coincides with Refugee Week.
Human Rights Day - 10 December
Held on 10 December each year and commemorates the day in 1948 that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This episode of ‘A Different Lens’ investigates Australia’s ever-evolving national character, how divisions are holding us back, and what we can do to work together and move forward as one.