Subject Headings in the Library Catalogue
Relevant Dewey Numbers
While there is a list of recommended books below, you might find other useful books at these numbers:
Victorian times. Brasch, Nicolas. 331.0994 BRA
All in a day's work: a focus on teenagers. Fabian, S. & Loh, Morag. 331.3470994 FAB
Money for jam. Mason, Jim 658.0410994 MAS
The Industrial Revolution and its impact on Australia. Harding, Joseph. 909.81 HAR
The Industrial Revolution. Smith, Nigel. 941.081 SMI
A nation in the making: Australia at the dawn of the modern era. McGregor, Alasdair. 994 MCG
Jobs and industries. Brasch, Nicolas. 994.02 BRA
Impacts of the Industrial Revolution
Industrial jobs
Capital and Labour (Punch Archive)
Child labour during the industrial revolution