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Humanities: Geographies of Wellbeing

A Lib Guide for Year 7 History

Geographies of wellbeing

Wellbeing: A definition

Human wellbeing is the recognition that everyone around the world, regardless of geography, age, culture, religion or political environment, aspires to live well. Wellbeing is not necessarily bound by income, rather, it is an individual’s thoughts and feelings about how well they are doing in life, contentment with material possessions and having relationships that enable them to achieve their goals. Many factors impact upon an individual’s ability to live well including war, conflict, social fragmentation, inequality, poverty, malnourishment as well as access to resources. 

Geographies of Wellbeing: GTAV


Mapping Wellbeing

choropleth map

A choropleth map will provide quick information on the differences between regions, states or territories on a map. The data comparisons are not wholly accurate but provide quick readings of a subject. Click on the above map to compare a range of data results in Australia from the 2016 census.

Images of the social and economic world

Cartograms are maps where countries are resized according to the data they are displaying. For example the above cartogram displays countries with the larger populations as being the biggest in size. Click on the link to the World mapper site which displays a range of information including Covid-19 cases according to their location around the world.

Wellbeing in Australia


Some factors affecting wellbeing

Click on the image above to read comparisons between indigenous Australian health rates with non-indigenous Australian health rates

Measuring wellbeing

Wellbeing resources in the library

Improving wellbeing

Why Governments should prioritize wellbeing.

Indicators of Wellbeing