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English: Water in Literature

Water in literature

Mt Emu Creek

Water in literature

There are many themes and ideas attached to water in literature.

Water may be explored as a symbol of rebirth, cleansing, washing, drinking, playing in and it may have religious meanings or background.

Water symbolism

Water can be a symbol for life or for sustaining life and as a threat to people.

The following analysis is on Blueback by Tim Winton.

'The sea can be both a friend and a foe. Its sheer size occasionally makes Abel feel insignificant by comparison. He feels like ‘a speck’ when compared to the ocean and the coastlines ‘long lonely stretches … made him feel small’ (page 65). It can also be a dangerous place where even experienced seaman like Mad Macka can meet an untimely end. Macka tempts fate by diving alone, a decision that sees him unable to be helped quickly enough when he has a heart attack (page 38, 40 – 42). Despite the many threats and dangers posed by the sea it is a source of great pleasure and wonder for Abel. In many ways it is as much a part of him as the Bay is a part of Dora. It is observed about him:'

Microsoft Word - Blueback.doc (

The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea has a mythological exploration of the sea and sea Gods. Storms and floods have ravaged Mina's country for years. Mina's people believe the Sea God is cursing them so each year a beautiful maiden is thrown into the sea as a sacrifice and to try and please the Sea God. Here water is both symbolised as a threat and as a life-force.

[Blog Tour] Review for The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh | READING (AS)(I)AN (AM)ERICA (

Water in Poetry

In poetry, water can be symbolised as a life-giving force, as a journey representing days or a life and as threat.

The Australian poet, Robert Adamson, lived along the Hawkesbury River in NSW and he was a fisherman for many years.

The following excerpt is from the poem, Praise and Shadow by Robert Adamson.

I watch the felty black surface
of the river carrying pelicans
downstream to the mouth.
I could easily disappear into
this landscape, become
a fisherman again and work
the tide through the moon’s cycles
and its darks, pierced with stars –

Robert Adamson | Four Poems | HEAT Series 2 Number 17 (

Books about flooding or drought.

Flood by Jackier French

This story examines the danger of flood waters and was based on the 2011 Queensland floods. The flood becomes a way for communities to show their strength and endurance in helping each other out during a flood.

Books related to water and climate change.

The Killing Sea by Richard Lewis

Based on the 2004 tsunami that badly damaged Indonesia. this thriller involves a family's serach for their loved ones after the storm.

Water in literature reading list

Indigenous approaches to water

Water Corporation [Western Australia] 2019. Walk with the Waugal. Online video, 31 December 2019. Duration: 8 min. 

The Waugal is a snake or rainbow serpent recognised by Noongar people as the giver of life who maintains all fresh water sources. This video illustrates the importance of these bodies of water to the Noongar people. 

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