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English: Year 7

Culturally Diverse Books

New course: Culturally Inclusive Support (

Click on the image above to read some culturally diverse books. Stories and characters from everywhere.


How to read poetry

Quick links to study guides for Year 7 texts


Drama online

Drama Online Logo

High-quality online research tool for drama and literature students and teachers. It combines exclusively available playtext content and scholarly publications with filmed live performances, film adaptations, and audio plays.

User name: CCV  password: Theatre


Click here for help

Nouns, verbs, adjectives & adverbs

Feisty females

feisty: spirited, bold, lively, determined, and courageous

Who would you add to this list?


Below are links to give you advice on using grammar and punctuation, and to test your knowledge.

Slam poet

Poet Solli Raphael from Coffs Harbour in New South Wales delivers an encore performance at the Australian Poetry Slam national final to a full house at the Sydney Opera House, becoming the competition's youngest winner yet (2017).