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Science: Environmental Science 3&4

About this guide

This guide supports the study of Unit 4 Area of Study 1: renewable and non-renewable energy. It shows you how to take notes, use a variety of reliable resources to locate relevant information as well as how to create a Reference List of all the resources you've used.

If you need help with research, there is a step by step guide here.


One effective strategy for improving retention is note taking – not just because you’ll have a written record to refer to in the future, but also because the actual act of taking notes can help cement concepts in your mind. There is no single way of taking notes.  Browse these resources to find what suits you.

Tips on how to organise the information you've read into a useful set of notes State Library of Victoria - Ergo

Once you've read this, watch the Cornell Method video. This is an excellent strategy.

Note-taking (University of Melbourne)

Start here

Search both Britannica and World Book for general information

Use key terms, eg coal,  geothermal power, ...

Also try "renewable energy"


Provides research materials including articles, images and videos.

To log in, use the card number below that corresponds to your year level:

CLON07; CLON08; CLON09; CLON10; CLON11; CLON12; CLONST (This one is for staff)

username: clonard     password: clonard


Generation of electricity

This education site explains the generation of electricity using a turbine to drive a generator before distribution.

Pages 3 & 4: Renewable and non-renewable energy sources have pros and cons in terms of cost, reliability and pollution.

Advantages and disadvantages

For information about the advantages and disadvantages associated with extraction/use of energy resources,

search Science Online using this search query: "The Uses and Impacts of Energy"

Remember, include the inverted commas.

Search further

Issues of renewable energy
